Thursday, September 24, 2009

Winter preparations

The experience we have so far with a land climate is that autumn and spring are very short and followed by a real winter and a proper summer. So either it is rather cold or really warm over here. Although the daytime temperature is still far above 20 degrees Celsius, the animals and nature around us start to show signs of a coming winter. Leafes start to color, deer are ‘troating’ (making a low-pitched, deep sound) in the forest around us and days are getting shorter.

After we have taken down a dozen of sheds, now we had to get a 'new' one

Our ‘have to do list before the winter’ is still rather long - we still have to:
- buy a load of fire-wood
- saw up wood to fit our stoves
- buy hay for horse and goats
- adjust the horse stable so goats will have a shelter as well
- get skid chains and winter tires for our car
- etcetera….

However we have started, Arnold made a decent storage for our fire-wood, I made a rather big cold frame (for late spinach and salad) and chimneys have been repaired and swept.

A picture of Juray the Chimney Sweep working on one of our chimneys, the setting and the photo looked to me like a nineteen-century oil painting

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