Sunday, April 15, 2012


All sheep and goats now share the same field. Goats have lost their freedom since the Drustvo (cooperative) asked if they could stop browsing their alfalfa field... Together they finish +/- 2500m2 pasture daily so we are moving at high speed over our fields. Goat kids have been weaned and half of the lambs of our sheep as well. Some have already moved to their new owners. They others are running around at our courtyard and ocassionally jump over the fence to make a disaster of our vegetable plot.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

The new ones

We have over 30 lambs and kids so we weren't really looking for more animals on our farm. But sheep without a sheepdog ... a frustrating thing! Louisa is now controlling our herd, so sheep be aware!

And we swapped a castrated billy goat against a young lovely boy, to shire our goats this Autumn. We wished the new owner of 'Freek' 'bon appetite' or 'dobre chut' but she wasn't to sure when and if she could eat him...

Goats are enjoying their freedom, another four weeks till the start of the camping season when they will go into a fenced field.